
On average 100g of orange contains c. 50mg of vitamin C, which is more than half of the recommended daily intake
Delicious source of energy
On average 100g of orange contains c. 50mg of vitamin C, which is more than half of the recommended daily intake


Harvest time



Orange trees are small to medium-sized, evergreen trees which grow to a height of up to 10m. They develop fruits, like other citrus fruits, without cross-pollination. The fact that there are some 400 tasty varieties of oranges means that it is not always easy to decide which of this popular fruit to choose.

The orange belongs to the Citrus genus in the rue family (Rutaceae) and has existed for over 3000 years. Oranges originated in Southern China and in some countries, such as the Netherlands, their name in the local language actually means “Chinese apple”. Oranges are meanwhile grown in all warm countries - oranges bought in winter in Germany predominantly come from Spain, for example.

Good to know

  • Oranges do not ripen once they have been picked from the tree
  • In addition to orange juice, grated orange peel can be used to flavour biscuits and sauces
  • Whole slices of orange can be used to flavour drinks
  • The following varieties make an especially delicious snack: the sweet Salustiana from Spain and Morocco, the flavourful Shamouti, and the Navel which has no pips and a rather thick but easy-to-peel skin.


  • Bio
  • Conventional
